it’s here.
Get full access to our 175 question mock exam based on the BACB's 6th Edition Task List.
how is it scored?
Our mock exam is designed to mirror the actual BCBA exam as closely as possible, featuring 175 scored questions to give you a realistic practice experience. To pass, we’ve set the threshold at 76%, aligning with the standards used by the BACB.
According to the BACB, “The modified Angoff method is criterion-referenced, meaning that the passing score for each base examination is established by a panel of BACB-certified subject matter experts and then approved by the BACB Board of Directors.” This ensures that the passing score reflects expert judgment on the level of competence required.
After completing the mock exam, you’ll be immediately notified if you’ve passed with a score of 76% or higher. If not, don’t worry—you’ll be directed to resources and recommendations on where to focus your study efforts so you can continue to improve.
Practice with purpose, aim high, and get the most out of your exam prep. Your success starts here!
can i find out how many questions i answered correctly?
Unfortunately, no. The BACB will not report the number of questions answered correctly or the overall percentage of questions answered correctly, so we are following the same procedure. However, to achieve a passing score of 66% on a 175-question quiz, a participant would need to correctly answer at least 116 questions, as partial points are not possible. Therefore, they need to accrue a minimum of 116 points to pass.
Click the button below to read information on examination scoring directly from the BACB’s website.